When you can realize achievement for yourself, your employees, and your community in the face of a pandemic that’s done just about everything it can to hamper your efforts, well, that deserves to be celebrated. So, we’re showcasing Little Caesars franchisees who rally for success every day with their perseverance, ingenuity, and open-heartedness. We invite you to hear their stories—and consider joining the Little Caesars family.
When you work hard, there are opportunities for you. In my Little Caesars business, I would like my legacy to be giving back, just like Mr. Ilitch and his family gave to me. In turn, I would love to see my employees have the opportunity to grow themselves and their families and do things they thought they could never do.
I feel extremely proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish as a family and as a company. We have taken our business to new heights. The opportunities to grow with Little Caesars are there, and the business model is rock solid. We are going to continue to grow one step, one store at a time—and Little Caesars will be behind us 100% of the way!
To assist our community during the pandemic, we donated pizzas to first responders and local hospitals. We also took our Little Caesars pizza truck out to collect Pie It Forward donations from neighborhoods around us. People were so generous to donate, and then I reached out to find additional hospitals and schools to provide pizzas to as well.
When you become a new franchisee, corporate is really there for you—especially on your first store. They help with your food order, setting up the store itself, equipment ordering, and local marketing support. I even remember them showing me how to wash dishes back in 2004. They get down to that level.
Even when things get tough, people still want to share good times and good food with their families. And the franchisees of Little Caesars restaurants are busy helping them do it. We’d love for you join the Little Caesars family.
Start by learning more about the Little Caesars franchise program.