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The Secret Recipe

How important is crew culture to Biscuitville’s success? It’s huge. They’re the contact point for the customer. For us it’s about making the day better. And that really starts from the top down. Our feedback from our customers is that we have very friendly and personable crew, and it really starts when you hire that […]

Not-so-Full Service

Our idea for the Denny’s Fresh Express came about a couple of years ago with a need to innovate the brand and to create a new concept for Denny’s that was built around portability. The Fresh Express is not only breakfast: It’s our whole line of burgers. It’s basically a grill right in front of the guest, so they can go up to a counter much like you do in a quick-serve venue.

A Cultural Difference

Well-prepared food by itself has never been enough to propel a fast food name to stardom. Today more than ever, a recognized personality and set of beliefs and customs is essential to set successful quick serves apart from the competition, according to industry experts and top management. “Culture is being able to stop anyone who […]

Operators Know Best

Phil Friedman, chairman and CEO of McAlister’s Deli, is a firm believer in independent research of a company’s franchisees. Getting an independent read on the health of his franchise system has led to important changes in key operational areas, such as marketing and distribution. “It gives us tangible communication and it builds the relationship,” says […]

The Key Is In Compliance

Consumers went through the recession cooking more often at home and searching for the best deals when dining out, while restaurant owners looked for creative ways to drive business and reduce costs. Staffing cuts, coupon offers, menu changes, adjusted store hours—you name it. The quick-service industry tried it all. But wise restaurant owners weren’t stuck […]