How to boost profits through product licensing
View-on-Demand Webinar: Watch at Your Convenience!
Fact: Product Licensing is Good for Business
Restaurant brands often balk at licensing food products into retail. Why? Because they think it will cannibalize sales in their restaurants. But statistics show same-store sales for brands that embrace retail licensing actually grow.
Consumers are smart and understand that eating out and eating at home are totally different meal experiences. A shopper standing in front of a freezer case is going to buy a meal, side, dessert, or snack whether it carries your brand, your competitor’s, or the store’s. If they buy—and enjoy—your eat-at-home version, they’re more likely to head for your restaurant on a future eating-out occasion. In brand licensing, that’s called "bringing the consumer closer to your brand."
This is an area of growth you simply can’t afford to ignore, but you must understand the right way to do it—and that’s not easy. That’s why QSR magazine and Broad Street Licensing Group have teamed up to present this powerful and informative webinar that will help you understand exactly how to approach this crucial initiative.
Here’s what you’ll learn in the 75-minute program, led by instructor Bill Cross of the Broad Street Licensing Group:
- What licensing is—and what it isn’t
- Why product licensing makes sense—even if you’re convinced it doesn’t
- How other brands make licensing pay—and what you can learn from them
- The 5 major mistakes companies make—and how to avoid them
- How to get your brand on retail shelves—step by step
Who Will Benefit?
If you are with a foodservice company and are responsible for increasing sales, you will learn from this powerful and informative program. Foodservice professionals at all levels will benefit from this program.
Purchase includes the 75-minute program.
Purchase Price: $249.00 .
Money-back Guarantee: We’re so sure this program will improve your sales, we’re offering a 100% guarantee of the purchase price. (Limit one refund per individual. Purchase price is refunded upon completion of a brief questionnaire.)
Any Questions?
If you have questions about the program, please contact Greg Sanders at QSR magazine by email at or by phone at 800-662-4834 ext 225.
What Equipment Do I Need?
To view the program, your system will need to meet the following requirements:
Windows-based PC
- Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, or Vista
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later web browser
- Windows Media Player software version 9 or later, or RealPlayer software version G2 or later
- 56k internet connection or better
- OS 9.x, OS 10.x
- Firefox 1.0 (OS X) or later web browser
- RealPlayer version G2 or later
- 56k internet connection or better