Taco Bell is proud to announce its summer partnership with “Digimon: Digital Monsters,” the #1 Saturday morning Fox Kids Network show, by offering new premiums featuring the “Digimon” eight young heroes and their digital monster friends. Millions of these collectible metal trading cards are available at nearly 5,000 Taco Bell restaurants nationwide beginning July 13, 2000.
The Digimon brand dominates the TV, toy, trading card and nearly every category it enters. During the first week of May sweeps, “Digimon” beat out “Pokemon” in head-to-head competition with Kids 2-11 and 6-11 (Nielsen Galaxy Explorer)—as well as beating “Pokemon” and all other toy lines two months running with action figures toy sales (Toy Book, Apr & Mar 2000).
Taco Bell is offering this popular property to consumers with a total of 48 embossed metal trading cards. Each card features one of the eight young heroes or a digivolved creature. Sixteen unique stackable digivices containing three metal trading cards will be available in various colors to store the cards. Bandai America will also produce 16 new battle/tip cards exclusive to Taco Bell that can be integrated into the Digi-Battle card game. Each premium (containing one digivice, three trading cards and one game/tip card) comes free with purchase of a Taco Bell Kids Meal or is sold separately for 99 cents each at participating locations.
“Kids love toys that are engaging, entertaining and based on their favorite books, television shows or movie properties,” said Kip Knight, Chief Marketing Officer, Taco Bell Corp. “We’re always looking for hot emerging properties that have the ability to connect with our consumers in a fun and entertaining way and ‘Digimon’ is a great fit for Taco Bell.”
“With its success at retail and the ‘Digimon’ movie hitting right after this promotion, the brand is quickly on its way to dominating every category it touches,” said Elie Dekel, President, Saban Consumer Products. “We’re thrilled to see the ‘Digimon’ phenomenon extend to Taco Bell where today’s on-the-go kids eat.”
The “Digimon” promotion runs from July 13 through September 9, 2000 or while supplies last at participating locations and will be promoted via in-store point of purchase display merchandise, drive thru signage and kids meal bags with a trading card check list.
Saban Consumer Promotions is a division of Saban Consumer Products which is at the forefront of the kids entertainment business, possessing a success record that has led the department to forge powerful alliances with key companies like Bandai America, Hasbro, Toys R Us, and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. The department delivers innovative properties to market in all forms of consumer products and promotions and—from classic brands to breakthrough successes—Saban Consumer Products’ innovation and marketing drive has resulted in creating some of the most successful brands in the entertainment licensing industry.