“Scraps,” the new culinary series produced by award-winning journalist Katie Couric, premiered just one month ago. This week, Couric turns her camera toward Denver, with a new episode featuring local restaurateur Biju Thomas.
The series follows national Sur La Table Chef Joel Gamoran as he travels to 10 different cities across the U.S. creating incredible feasts in unexpected places, using food waste and scraps. Chef Gamoran has less than a day to source ingredients, build a full menu and create a meal in his 1963 Volkswagen bus, which doubles as a mobile kitchen.
Denver is the star of an all-new “Scraps” episode scheduled for Sunday, June 25, at 8:30 p.m. MST on the FYI Network. Thomas, owner ofBiju’s Little Curry Shop, visits local farmers markets with Chef Gamoran looking for out-of-the-box ingredients that he will later use to build a full menu.
“It’s common for people to throw out food items such as banana peels, shrimp shells and chicken bones when cooking,” says Thomas. “What many people don’t realize is that you can actually use those ingredients to create some delicious meals. I’m really looking forward to showing viewers how wonderful Denver is and to share my knowledge of cooking with food scraps in order to advance this unique cooking movement.”
“Scraps” airs Sundays on the FYI Network at 8:30 p.m. MST.