QSR is looking for industry-leading insights from chefs and culinary experts for its 2011 chef survey. Below is a list of questions and discussion prompts. Please respond to each question—two to three sentences each—and return the answers by March 25.
QSR will run the best answers in its 2011 Chef Survey online on the homepage of QSRmagazine.com all month.
QSR’s 2011Chef Survey
Who: QSR is looking for the opinions of culinary professionals who are associated with a quick-serve or fast-casual brand.
When: The deadline to return survey answers is Friday, March 25 at 5 p.m. EST to lorizanteson@verizon.net.
What: QSR’s April 2011 issue. See last year’s survey results.
Street Food― How are street food and food trucks influencing the quick serve menu in 2011?
Nutrition― How will menus reflect the newly released USDA Dietary Guidelines?
Ethnic Flair― Which ethnic ingredients and flavors will dominate?
Social Media― How are quick serves powering their success with social media?
What’s Out― What notable 2010 food trend won’t be found on menus this year?
Back to Basics― What back to basics foods are nostalgic consumers craving?
Going Local― Is it possible for large chains to locally source ingredients?
Beverages― What flavors will 2011 consumers be sipping?
Value― What recession strategies will appeal most to consumers?
Gluten-free― How are quick-serve chefs working gluten-free and allergy-conscious ingredients into their menus?
Kids’ Meals― What’s new and innovative on the children’s menu?
What’s Hot― What looks to be this year’s go-to ingredient?
Gourmet― Which gourmet/artisan food item or ingredient will be in high demand?
Breakfast― What are the top contenders on the breakfast menu?