When Cinnabon president Kat Cole participated in the CBS show “Undercover Boss,” she bonded with Mayra Vargas, a bakery employee. As Vargas spoke of her mother’s battle with breast cancer and her family’s challenges, the inspiration to provide guidance and support became a mission of Cole’s.
Cole and Vargas were invited back for the season finale, “Epic Bosses,” which aired this Friday, May 17. On the episode, Cole announced “Sweet Support”, a nationwide fundraiser to support breast cancer.
Cinnabon employees, fans, and followers are joining forces to spread the word and request donations as a way of showing dedication to the brand. In parallel contribution, Cinnabon will match the first $10,000 in charitable donations.
The money raised will support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and its mission of saving lives by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and providing mammograms for women in need.
“As America saw on ‘Undercover Boss,’ Mayra has an infectious go-getter attitude and enthusiasm for Cinnabon that she shares daily with guests and coworkers,” Cole says. “We’re throwing the strength of the Cinnabon brand behind the fight against breast cancer, a cause incredibly dear to Mayra, as a special way to thank her for being a model employee in the Cinnabon system.”
Cinnabon sought out a donation process that was easy to access and user-friendly. The online fundraising application Give.Mobi allows convenient access by visiting the mobile URL Give.Mobi/Cinnabon or scanning QR codes from materials found in local Cinnabon Bakeries.
Through “Undercover Boss,” Cole met many of the brand’s extraordinary employees, leading to positive company-wide initiatives. Vargas’s story in particular provided an opportunity to not only thank a valuable employee, but also to support a cause that directly affects nearly one in eight women.