Operators who currently buy boxed fresh oil and require staff to pour the oil into their fryers now have an easy, hands-free option with Frontline International’s Box System for Standard Packaged Oil. With the Box System, winner of a 2012 Kitchen Innovations Award, operators purchase their choice of fresh oil in boxes and—in a smaller footprint than is typically used to store the boxed oil—simply stack the boxes on the storage rack, which is plumbed to the fryer. The easy-to-install system can be positioned in a storage area far removed from the actual fryer location, making it ideal for both small and large foodservice establishments.


With a push of a button, oil flows from the boxes on the rack to the fryer. And, thanks to the clever upside-down storage system that maximizes every drop of oil, users could see oil yields increase by up to 10 percent. Further, several boxes can be connected to several fryers simultaneously—a great time saver and convenience feature. Hands and floors are kept clean and grease-free, significantly increasing employee productivity and safety.


Purchasing fresh oil in boxes or jugs has even more benefits. Oil stored in boxes reduces overhead, needs less storage space than a tank, and reduces liability from purchasing bulk oil that can spoil. Frontline’s Box System maintains oil freshness and quality, thus providing a greater ROI and improving food quality. All Frontline systems are modular, flexible, and upgradable. And all Frontline equipment comes with a 1-year warranty on parts and labor.
