On Friday, February 1, several Boston Market restaurants were featured on the hit CBS television series, “Undercover Boss.”
One restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is shown using HME drive-thru belt-pacs and the HME System 30 drive-thru timer. HME’s System 30 plays a prominent role in the segment, demonstrating how drive-thru timers work to increase speed of service to customers.
“Undercover Boss” features top executives in disguise, working on the front lines to reveal an insider’s look at the daily operations of their business.
Boston Market chief brand officer Sara Bittorf was featured traveling to numerous restaurant locations, and then reporting her experiences to the CEO to guide future decision-making involving the company.
The episode includes a segment on how System 30A drive-thru timers track and display wait times so that restaurant staff members are literally competing with the clock to expedite orders.
HME is a long-time supplier to Boston Market, and looks forward to continued efforts to enhance its customers’ drive-thru experience.
The System 30 timer is just one of many drive-thru timer options from HME. HME offers DASH, a System 30 upgrade package, and the new ZOOM timer system with real-time graphic displays and multiple tracking options.
The result of these timers is better service, more customers served per hour, and a dramatic effect on profits for quick-serve operators.
In addition to displaying service times to employees, the System 30 drive-thru timer system also enables management to track and evaluate service times. Armed with real-time, user-friendly reports, managers can make adjustments and even give incentives to crewmembers with contests to increase speed and efficiency in the drive-thru lane.