The Center for Science in the Public Interest is applauding Nestlé today for setting nutrition standards for the products it advertises to children under 12. According to the organization, switching from promoting Wonka candy to 100 percent juice and low-fat chocolate milk will be better for children and make it easier for parents to feed their children healthfully.
Nestlé was one of the biggest food companies missing from the Council of Better Business Bureaus’ Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative. In June, more than 30 health organizations wrote to Nestlé, urging it to change its marketing to children and join the initiative.
According to a statement by CSPI, a number of top quick-serves have refused to join the initiative and make a public pledge to improve their marketing, including Subway, KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut, sponsor of the Book It! Program for schools.
CSPI is urging the new Congress to take a fresh look at whether the voluntary initiative is sufficient to protect children from obesity-promoting advertising.