HM Electronics Inc. (HME), a technology provider for the restaurant industry, recently earned a “Gold Level Award” from the American Heart Association saluting the importance the company places on providing a healthy workplace, and for its efforts in encouraging regular physical activity and good nutrition among its employees.
“HME places a lot of emphasis on supporting an organizational culture that promotes everyday health and wellness to help improve people’s fit-mindedness,” says HME vice president of human resources Kathy Vail.
Just some of the ways HME promotes fitness are through company-subsidized team sports and activities, like bowling, softball, onsite yoga classes, walking and bicycling challenges, and healthy snack rewards. Nutritional tips are posted on digital monitors and bulletin boards in break rooms. Employees are encouraged to get in more footsteps in an annual walk to raise funds for the American Heart Association. And providers of health care services and products are invited to exhibit in the company’s annual health faire.
“We are continuously looking for interesting, new ways to provide support to employees in incorporating physical and nutritional improvements to their everyday lifestyles,” Vail says.