Starting July 1, 2022, over 1 million servers and their managers in the State of California must be RBS certified from an ABC approved RBS Training Provider.
The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) launched a training portal for certification and reporting; for licensees, employers and employees.
What is the purpose of the new law? Richard Schiller, who writes training curriculums for multiple states and industries says “Alcohol certification is mandatory in many US states already, with proper training alcohol servers can reduce statistics for drunk driving, underage drinking, community safety and reduce liabilities for Licensees”.
The ABC has been diligently working on approving RBS training courses. Courses range from classroom instruction to online powerpoint presentations to full on video performances. Licensees and Employers should choose an RBS approved course that fits the training needs of their staff. Taylor Cox, Vice President for Comedy Seller Server states “We are so proud to be the first and only approved course that is both fun and educational. Our team of curriculum specialists and comedians collaborated to make a course that will help your staff pay attention, retain the material and have some laughs! The 100% video course is full of comedy skits and animation and is so simple to use it can be done on your mobile phone”.