Doc Popcorn, the world’s largest popcorn franchise retailer with more than 100 locations around the globe, will give people a chance to win free tins of its new seasonal Cookies ‘n’ Cream popcorn flavor during National Popcorn Poppin’ Month in October by sharing “what makes them pop” on their personal Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram accounts. After being enjoyed by consumers as one of the most popular ice cream, milk shake and candy bar flavors, this is the first time Doc Popcorn has developed Cookies ‘n’ Cream into a popcorn flavor. The limited time flavor will be available at participating locations nationwide and online between October 1 and December 31.
The new creation blends one of Doc Popcorn’s most loved flavors, Klassic Kettle, with white chocolate and chunks of cream filled chocolate cookies. It’s a decadent twist to one of America’s favorite sweet treats in celebration of October being National Popcorn Poppin’ Month, which includes Halloween, and the ensuing winter holidays. National Popcorn Poppin’ Month recognizes popcorn as one of the country’s most traditional snack foods during its harvest time.
Doc Popcorn will give away one free Big Tin (3.5 gallons) of Cookies ‘n’ Cream popcorn each week in October as part of its “What Makes You Pop?” campaign. To qualify, participants have to share a few words, a photo, or a video about what makes them “pop,” or smile, and include the hashtags #WhatMakesYouPop and #DocPopcorn on their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts during the month of October. Hashtags must be present for the entry to be valid and pages must be public within the account privacy settings. Doc Popcorn will select one winner to receive a Big Tin at the end of each week.
“Doc Popcorn is all about sharing and creating smiles between family and friends, so each week we’d like to give our new Cookies ‘n’ Cream flavor to someone who shares what makes them ‘pop,’ or smile, with us,” says Renee Israel, co-founder of Doc Popcorn. “We can’t think of a better way to kick off the giving season than with a brand new flavor and a celebratory popcorn giveaway.”
Because the flavor has been one of America’s favorites for so long in other forms, Doc Popcorn’s Cookies ‘n’ Cream will trigger nostalgia and positive feelings experienced during the fall and winter holidays.
“This flavor is reminiscent of cookies and milk as an after school snack, and the sweetness is apropos to serve as a treat at Halloween, Thanksgiving and December holiday gatherings,” Israel said. “Introducing Cookies ‘n’ Cream as a popcorn flavor at this time of year is a sweet way for consumers to treat themselves and others this holiday season.”