As recently aired on national television, host of Cooking Channel’s Best in Chow Cris Nannarone came to the Windy City in search of the best burger. After canvassing numerous locals he landed on three challengers: Butcher & the Burger, Epic Burger, and Rockit Burger Bar.
Cris and nine judges jumped on a double-decker for a ride around the city to taste each respective burger. After eating Epic Burger’s Epic Burger, Cris said, “If this is what all-natural tastes like then slap me in the face and call me a hippie.”
After all the burgers were tasted and the ballots were counted, Cris announced Epic Burger as Best in Chow’s Burger War’s champion.
After winning, Cris asked Epic Burger’s founder, David Friedman, “What makes your burger the best?”
“It’s the all-natural beef and fresh ingredients. Being more mindful about what you’re serving to people is key and people can really taste the difference,” Friedman said.