Here are some ways Panera is addressing the coronavirus pandemic.
Supporting Panera Associates
Emergency Sick Pay: The company has put in place an emergency PTO policy which will help ensure Panera associates are able to stay home if they are sick or diagnosed with COVID-19. This includes covering the cost of required testing for COVID-19 under a doctor’s order and temporary expanded Sick Pay for all company associates.
Feeding The Panera Team: This Friday Panera will launch a weekly Panera meal for all company associates in every Panera-owned café.
Friends in Knead: Funded primarily by voluntary donations from Panera associates, Friends in Knead is a non-profit organization providing critically needed support and assistance to members of the company’s associate community faced with an unexpected hardship. Friends in Knead has established a special fund to provide support for eligible associates and Panera LLC has donated $500,000 to the Friends in Knead COVID-19 Relief Fund.
Serving Guests & Supporting Communities
Along with rapid pick-up and drive-through, Panera is now offering contactless delivery that utilizes mindful and well-sealed packaging. Delivery via the Panera app and website is free through end of March.
Partnering to feed those in need: Panera is offering its kitchens and resources as added infrastructure to help the #ChefsForAmerica movement provide meals nationwide and ease the burden placed on so many families across our country. They are supporting Chef José Andrés and his World Central Kitchen to serve at scale in those cities with the most critical demand right now. Panera will also make a monetary donation to WCK.
Mobilizing Panera’s supply chain: Panera is working across its supply chain with partners and vendors to donate excess food to Feeding America.