Marble Slab Creamery, the imaginative small-batch ice cream franchise, announced the debut of their limited time Cold Brew Ice Cream and Cold Brew Shake. Available through April 30, the new ice cream and shake are sure to add an extra jolt to customers’ days.
The rich ice cream combination is made with coffee ice cream, swirls of mallo crème and hints of vanilla, and is also available as a shake, which is served with a chocolate syrup swirl and a heaping of whipped cream.
“Coffee is a flavor that is fitting for any time of day,” says Katie Thoms, Senior Director of Marketing at Marble Slab Creamery. “Playing into the cold brew craze, we aimed to dream up something fun with the unique Marble Slab spin that we are known for. In ice cream and shake form, our new offerings will provide the perfect kick-off to spring.”
For nearly 40 years, Marble Slab Creamery has been an innovator in the ice cream space, dreaming up the frozen slab technique and offering homemade, small-batch ice cream with free unlimited mix-ins, shakes in a variety of flavors, and ice cream cakes.