As an innovative technology company holding several patents on authentication and electronic lockers, MySingleLink is now on a mission to help quick service restaurants to cut down order pickup wait times to be no longer than preparation time plus 30 seconds with 100 percent order accuracy, with substantially reduced number of drive-off or drive-away customers and providing the best possible customer engagement by providing estimated wait times at every stage at a significantly reduced initial and recurring costs.

MySingleLink is now accepting orders from merchants for their newest invention “Sprint-Thru” lockers which can be used for parking lot order pickup by customers without leaving vehicles for on-line orders, delivery orders and at location orders. “Sprint-Thru” lockers can replace current drive-thru lanes, can be added to current locations that do not have a drive-thru lane, and build new locations without a drive-thru lane.

Following are some of the hallmarks of Sprint-Thru lockers:

  • Online buyers, delivery service providers and at location buyers can place and pick up orders or sign-in and pick up already placed orders without blocking traffic.
  • Self-Serv and employee assisted ordering stations accessible from driveways. 
  • Unlimited customers at self-ordering or at employee assisted ordering stations can place orders and make payment simultaneously without blocking traffic.
  • Merchants can accept unlimited orders and sign-ins simultaneously and can leave unlimited orders simultaneously inside lockers placed at parking lot, indoor and at curbside.
  • Big screens display order status, estimated wait times and locker numbers for all orders in progress.
  • Self-ordering, employee assisted ordering and pickup stations are accessible from driveways without blocking traffic.
  • Prefabricated modular pick-up stations fitted with conveyors or robots or any other mechanism inside enclosures can be easily attached to a secured window installed to any new or existing building structures or food trucks.
  • Software integration with point-of-sale systems is not required.
  • No texting, no emailing and app is not required, but supported.
  • Captured timings at various points from entry to exit of every customer can be used for operational enhancements and by AI service providers.
  • The initial cost can be as much as 80 percent lower when compared to building or adding new drive-thru lanes.
  • The reduction in head count will depend on the volume of transactions and the minimum could be 1.
  • Prefabricated modular pick up stations are transportable between locations, are resaleable and single pick up station can be added or removed quickly.

“First come, first served” and drive-thru window pickup concept used in drive-thru lanes often causes traffic jams leading to longer wait times, whereas the “first ready, first served” and driveway accessible pickup station concept used in Sprint-Thru locker system can allow order ready customers to bypass order not ready customers leading to lower wait times and avoid traffic jams.

“Driveway pickup” concept used in Sprint-Thru locker system can let remote ordering customers, at location ordering customers and delivery pickup customers use a single driveway to access Sprint-Thru lockers, instead of using segregated multiple Drive-Thru lanes.

“Prepare & Leave” is the only task left to employees.

Merchants can bypass city-imposed Drive-Thru restrictions by using driveways instead of using drive-thru lanes.

“MySingleLink was started to provide better customer satisfaction at lower labor costs” comments Gopal Nandakumar, President at MySingleLink. “According to yearly drive-thru study published in QSR Magazine for 2022, the average wait time from ordering station to pick up was in the range of 303–509 seconds with an order accuracy rate of 80–90 percent and potential loss per unit per year was $183,921.00 due to slower service, driven away customers and lower order accuracies. Wait times can double the reported time when measured from entrance to exit. We wanted to provide a solution for merchants and consumers including delivery service providers who are wanting to reduce the total wait times to be average order preparation time plus pickup time of less than 30 seconds, wanting to improve order accuracy to 100 percent, wanting customers not locked up in drive-thru lanes, wanting driven away customers to be zero and wanting to provide better customer service. 

“We also wanted to provide a solution for merchants wanting to reduce their initial and recurring costs and potential losses. It is a huge honor to receive the SmartBrief Innovation Award for 2021 awarded by Restaurant SmartBrief in cooperation with National Restaurant Association,” he adds.

A prefabricated and modular add-on consisting of 4 Sprint-Thru lockers where 4 orders can be picked up simultaneously and costing significantly lower than a single drive-thru lane where only one order can be picked up at a time would make any merchant laugh all the way to the bank.

For more information on Sprint-Thru lockers, visit For media enquiries, please send an email to 

