In celebration of Women’s History Month, the National Restaurant Association (NRA) is recognizing the contributions of many dynamic women, who through their vision, hard work, and dedication, have achieved success in restaurants and made the industry a leader in the national economy.
“Restaurant jobs provide opportunities for women of all backgrounds and experience levels, helping them gain the experience they need to jumpstart careers,” says Dawn Sweeney, NRA president and CEO. “In restaurants, women have the ability to advance toward management or executive positions more quickly than most other industries.”
“We are enormously proud of the leadership role that women play in the restaurant business, showcasing our industry as one of endless opportunity,” she adds. “We salute the leaders who have helped build this industry, as well as every woman working in the industry today who is making a positive impact on her community.”
There are more women in management and ownership positions in the restaurant industry than any other industry: 45 percent of restaurant managers are women compared to an average of 38 percent in other industries. More than half of U.S. restaurants are owned or co-owned by women, and women-owned businesses are growing at a faster rate than the overall restaurant industry. Ninety-two percent of women who have worked in a restaurant say the industry is a good place to get a first job and learn valuable skills.
During the month of March, the NRA is recognizing women leaders through a series of videos, profiles, and social media and digital content, all housed on the newly launched site.