Penn Station East Coast Subs celebrates its 15th anniversary of recognizing student athletes and high schools in the Greater Dayton, Ohio, area.
Penn Station launched the “Athlete of the Month” (PSAM) program to showcase the extraordinary student athletes, scholastic achievement, and good citizenship in Dayton.
Since then, Penn Station East Coast Subs has awarded more than $100,000 in award money and college scholarships. More than 100 students have received “Athlete of the Month” recognition and 14 have been awarded $5,000 college scholarships.
To celebrate PSAM’s 15th year, winners receive a Penn Station Gift Certificate for a "Party of 15", 1,500 BOGO coupons (Buy one sub, get one sub free) for the school, a $150 check to their school, Penn Station Athlete of the Month T-shirts, and trophies for both the student and the school.
Winners will also be featured in Penn Station in-store displays. Plus, winners are featured on sponsor stations WDTN, Hot 102.9, Fly 92.9, and ESPN Radio 1410.
Each year all eight monthly winners are automatically entered as Penn Station Athlete of the Year finalists and eligible for a $5,000 college scholarship.
This year, Penn Station East Coast Subs is also showcasing school spirit. The school that demonstrates the most school spirit during its Penn Station Athlete of the Month presentation will be awarded a $1,500 check to its Athletic Department at the conclusion of the PSAM program in May.
“Over the past 15 years, Penn Station has been honoring the best of Dayton’s youth. These student athletes are not only scholars, but our future leaders,” says John Dorger, managing owner of Penn Station Dayton. “It has been a humbling experience to watch our Penn Station Athletes grow and succeed.”