Slice House by Tony Gemignani, the highly successful fast-casual pizza franchise by world renowned pizzaiolo Tony Gemignani, announced its expansion into the Southeast with the signing of a multi-unit franchise agreement. The deal comprises 11 new locations throughout Tennessee, which will start opening in 2025, and marks a total of 120 franchise units open or under development for Slice House.
“Slice House’s newest deal in Tennessee represents a significant milestone for the national franchise as we extend our footprint to the Southeast,” says Slice House Founder Tony Gemignani. “While Slice House began on the West Coast, we’ve seen strong demand from franchisees as well as guests across the country. We are proud to have an experienced franchise partner on-board for the long-term and look forward to offering our authentic, award-winning pizza to Tennesseans as a part of an incredible fast casual experience.”
Eleven new units will be hitting the Tennessee market, with two locations expected to be opened and fully operating as early as next year. These units will be primarily located in major trade areas, but the brand partner has franchise rights to develop the entire state.
Slice House partnered with this franchisee based on their robust background in food and beverage franchising as well as real estate development. The brand partner’s expertise and success across these sectors will ideally complement Slice House’s vision, values, and model with its dine-in, take-out, and delivery offerings, all with the appeal of a world champion, celebrity pizzaiolo. Coupled with the exceptional knowledge and guidance of Slice House’s veteran executive team, and its continually evolving resources and support, Slice House anticipates a highly successful and effective launch into Tennessee, a region prime for growth.
Since officially introducing franchise opportunities in July 2022, San Francisco-based Slice House experienced rapid growth, signing multi-unit deals in the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, Texas, Utah, Colorado, and Tennessee. Named #1 Emerging Brand in Pizza Marketplace’s Top 100 Movers & Shakers 2023, Slice House has since built upon its nationwide program to offer franchisees even greater support and value, including a partnership with global leader in real estate services JLL, and welcoming Chief Marketing Officer Renae Scott and Fractional Chief Technology Officer David Denton. With a commitment to finding qualified, passionate operators, Slice House is poised to continue its rapid expansion and anticipates signing over 75 more units into development by the end of this year.
Slice House is actively seeking qualified partners to develop new territories across the country.