SONIC Drive-In is embarking on its eighth Limeades for Learning charitable voting campaign, putting guests in the driver’s seat to allocate $1 million to public school teachers’ classrooms across the nation. In partnership with, this national award-winning and consumer-driven campaign provides essential materials and supplies enabling teachers to inspire creativity and learning in today’s public school classrooms.

Starting Monday and extending for four weeks through October 23, SONIC empowers guests and fans to make a difference in their local communities by voting for specific public school teacher projects they want to receive SONIC funding at Throughout the voting period, projects with the most votes at the end of each week receive funding, while remaining projects get a chance for funding the following week.

The voting campaign comes on the heels of the brand’s renewed commitment to Limeades for Learning, transitioning from a seasonal to year-round campaign and announcing significantly increased financial support of $15 million over the next five years.

“2016 is a milestone year for Limeades for Learning; this May we announced our $15 million commitment over the next five years to making a difference in public school classrooms across the country,” says Cliff Hudson, SONIC Corp. CEO. “The fall voting campaign we kick off today in partnership with will launches our school year calendar of initiatives in support of public school classrooms and allows SONIC to make a much bigger difference in the local communities we are proud to serve.”

SONIC is donating up to $1 million dollars and is funding a classroom project for all eligible teachers in Oklahoma City, Corpus Christi, Texas, and Lafayette, Louisiana.

"Since launching our partnership with SONIC in 2009, Limeades for Learning engaged citizen philanthropists to make a difference in their communities coast to coast. To date, SONIC's gift of $6 million dollars to public school classrooms across the country has helped 11,500 teachers and 349,920 students," says Charles Best, founder and chief executive officer at "Our team's mission is to make sure students in every community are receiving the materials and experiences they need to learn and thrive inside the classroom. It's our passion to make a change in the future of education and this program makes it easy for anyone in every community to vote and join the movement of enhancing a student's learning experience one classroom at a time."

Charitable Giving, News, Sonic