The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) launched Little Blue Dynamos, a lifestyle-oriented campaign for blueberries, more than a year ago. To learn what consumers know about blueberries and their response to the Little Blue Dynamos positioning, the USHBC worked with Harris Interactive to conduct an online survey earlier this year.
“We were especially interested in what women ages 25-45 would have to say,” says Mark Villata, USHBC Executive Director. “Because women make most of the food purchase decisions for themselves and their families, their opinions about how blueberries fit into their lives help guide our consumer marketing program.”
With the development of the lifestyle-oriented image for blueberries, the industry’s primary marketing target moved away from women in the 45-60 age range, who are the traditional blueberry purchaser. Previous USHBC research points to women and moms between the ages of 25-45 as the customer group with the greatest “next tier” potential to increase blueberry sales, so the Little Blue Dynamos marketing campaign is designed to speak to this target audience.
In 2012, Little Blue Dynamos messages and imagery have been promoted through full-page ads in Food Network Magazine and Cooking Light. Banner ads ran through the summer on, Daily Candy Kids, and In addition, the positioning is highlighted in USHBC-supported television appearances, Facebook, and Twitter activities, and outreach to media, bloggers, and health professionals.
The Harris Interactive survey was conducted from August 22-24, 2012, specifically to gauge U.S. adults’ knowledge and attitudes about blueberries and their connection to the healthy, dynamic lifestyle represented in the Little Blue Dynamos campaign.
Key findings from 25-45 year-old women polled in the Harris Interactive online survey include:
• 94% agree blueberries pack a powerful punch of healthy rewards
• 78% of those who eat blueberries agree blueberries add a little boost to their day
• 76% agree blueberries fuel fun activities
• 73% of mothers ages 25-45 who have children age 18 and under agree their kids think it’s fun when they serve them blueberries