Tyson Foods, Inc. was honored twice at the Third Annual Corporate Executives Minority Business Awards (CEMBA), presented by the Arkansas-Mississippi Minority Business Council (AMMBC).

Tyson Chairman John Tyson received the “Corporate Leadership Award of
Excellence,” which is the most prestigious award presented to an
individual by AMMBC. The honor is given to the corporate executive
officer who has exemplified their organization’s commitment to the
growth of minority business.

Tyson Supplier Diversity Manager Heather Chilson won the “Impact Award,”
which is presented to a corporate buyer, minority program manager,
supplier diversity coordinator or purchasing manager who best symbolizes
the spirit and intent of minority economic development. This award
recognizes the Arkansas or Mississippi company that has excelled in
developing and providing opportunities for minority suppliers to partner
with their company.

Through the Tyson Supplier Diversity Program, the company offers equal
opportunity to all potential suppliers of goods and services. In
addition, Tyson tracks procurement with minority-owned firms
