Cables Media Group is one of 20 companies selected within the state of Florida as a nominee in the “Innovation and Entrepreneurialism” category that is part of the 7th annual ITFlorida awards program.
ITFlorida is an organization comprised of both public and private sector technology leaders. ITFlorida was established to unite the various high-tech sectors and industries within Florida.
The nomination for Cables Media was made by one of the five board members for ITFlorida. The board consists of Florida congressmen Connie Mack and Ron Klein; Florida Senator Don Gaetz; the CIO of Florida, David Taylor; and Dale Brill, the director of the Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development for Gov. Charlie Crist.
Cables Media’s “In UR Face” mobile marketing platform and the underlying technology infrastructure has been recognized by one of these board members.
In the coming weeks, the board will select four finalists from the initial group.