Logic Controls, A Bematech Company, a business system provider recognized for its kitchen display systems, POS systems, and POS peripherals, has partnered with International Point of Sale, a software developing company known for providing POS solutions at minimal cost. Through this partnership, Logic Controls/Bematech has been able to bundle several of its POS peripherals with Corner Store POS to complete simple solutions small business owners have been waiting for.
International POS industry professionals have composed a software system that reflects the needs of store-owner customers. After being in the industry for more than 10 years, president of the company, Ed Levin, has found that customers do not always want the most technical system when upgrading their electronic register to a computer.
“We put 10 years of POS sales experience into Corner Store POS,” Levin says. “Our sole inspiration is the feedback from our customers.”
Often, small business owners want a simple and straightforward solution that will ring up items using scanners and barcodes, keep track of inventory, and integrate with leading credit card processors to ensure secure transactions. Corner Store POS provides each of these functions and has a display like an old fashioned register so the learning curve is eliminated.
The cashier can ring up an item by scanning the barcode, pressing a picture button, or entering the item number all in an easy, touch screen interface. It is expandable for credit card processing, label printing, and portable inventory.
Corner Store POS is the ideal software to use with Logic Controls/Bematech’s durable POS peripherals, including CR1600 cash drawer, LD9000 pole display, S500 scanner, and the LE1000 touch screen monitor. By bundling the best-selling products with competitive pricing, now small businesses can afford to computerize their outdated electronic cash registers.
“Logic Controls/Bematech has been searching for a cost-effective system for the small business owners,” says Wladimir Alvarez, president of Logic Controls/Bematech. “This integration was arranged perfectly because it was developed with small businesses in mind. Any cashier can adapt to the technology of the solution, despite their initial skill level and without costing a fortune.”