Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today the launch of a new nutritionally balanced BURGER KING® Kids Meal, featuring BK™ Fresh Apple Fries and a family favorite, KRAFT® Macaroni & Cheese.
In addition, Burger King Corp.’s sponsorship of the Jonas Brothers’ “Burning Up Tour,” will specifically support the introduction of BK™ Fresh Apple Fries.
The new Kids Meal includes KRAFT® Macaroni & Cheese, BK™ Fresh Apple Fries with low-fat caramel dipping sauce, and HERSHEY®’S 1% Low Fat White Milk. The meal will be available in the U.S. as a permanent menu item beginning June 30 for a suggested retail price of $3.49.
The new Kids Meal provides 350 total calories with less than 25 percent of calories from fat and 9 percent from saturated fat. It also provides servings from three unique food groups in USDA’s MyPyramid: milk, grains, and fruit.
In addition, the meal was designed to meet nutritional guidelines Burger King Corp. developed as part of its health and nutrition initiative, BK Positive StepsSM. The program supports all of Burger King Corp.’s ongoing efforts to promote balanced diets and active lifestyle choices.