White Castle has issued the call for entries for the 10th anniversary of its annual Cravers Hall of Fame Competition. Through August 31, contestants may submit original stories about their extreme efforts to satisfy cravings for the company’s bite-sized, square hamburgers on the WhiteCastle website. Winning Cravers will be flown to Columbus, Ohio, to attend the Hall of Fame induction ceremony in November.
“If your insatiable desire for the steam-grilled-on-a-bed of onions taste of The Original Slider has inspired daring deeds or other historic events, then you may be chosen to walk the hallowed halls of the Cravers Hall of Fame,” says Jamie Richardson, vice president of corporate and government relations. “For 10 years, this elite honor has been reserved for the truly exceptional … those who have gone beyond, stayed up late, driven far and sacrificed much to consume their coveted Sliders.”
Since the 2001 creation of the White Castle Hall of Fame, 6,629 Cravers have vied for the honor. Only 67 have been inducted, including rock musicians, movie stars and a Greek Orthodox priest who satisfied his crave after a 40-day religious fast. Their stories are preserved in the Hall of Fame section of the White Castle website.
Only one entry is accepted per Craver, and those who complete their entries by the August 31 deadline will receive a gift. Stories will be evaluated for originality, duration, and extent of the “Crave.” Official rules are available at www.whitecastle.com/cravers/hall-of-fame-rules.