The Krystal Company named Gene and Janet Montgomery of Mont-J’s, LLC the prestigious 2012 Franchisees of the Year for the success of their Krystal restaurant in Prattville, Alabama.
The selection was announced at the recent Annual Krystal Franchise Business Partners meeting.
“The Montgomerys are among the pioneers in the Krystal franchise history,” says Keith Moody, Krystal’s director of franchise operations. “Their restaurant has been a top performing Krystal for more than 10 years, and it is an honor to recognize their exemplary presentation of the Krystal brand to the passionate Krystal Lovers in the Prattville community.
“The Montgomerys are excellent role models for the Krystal franchise family, with their commitment to providing quality Krystal products, building a quality team of employees, getting involved in the local community, and delivering a great Krystal experience to each customer.”
The Montgomerys have spent a lifetime in the food industry. Gene Montgomery was classically trained at The Culinary Institute of America in New Haven, Connecticut, and parlayed his culinary training into a successful restaurant business career.
“Prattville has a very dedicated following of Krystal lovers,” Gene Montgomery says. “We are deeply honored to receive this award, but it really belongs to our loyal customers.”