The Nick-N-Willy’s Franchise Company announced today its support of the Sundance Film Festival as an Official Provider of the internationally renowned independent film event. Nick-N-Willy’s will provide more than $30,000 worth of pizza, sandwiches, and salads to approximately 3,000 festival volunteers between Jan. 12-31.

The 2010 Sundance Film Festival will take place in Park City, Utah, from Jan. 21-31 with more than 40,000 people expected to attend.

Nick-N-Willy’s will also be placing branded signage in its Park City and Salt Lake City stores, and messaging on the corporate Web site at and in its eClub blasts to customers. Nick-N-Willy’s will also be posting information on its Twitter site and Facebook fan page.

From Jan. 21-31, the franchise company will work on a social media campaign known as the “Nick-N-Willy’s Sundance Film Festival Feast,” which will include regular posts with video and pictures about Nick-N-Willy’s time spend with the Festival. The posts and updates will be available on the Nick-N-Willy’s Slice of Life blog and on the corporate Twitter and Facebook sites.

“As we continue to expand our franchise through the U.S., we’re seeking to build further brand awareness to attract new customers and franchisees,” says Richard Weil, chief operating officer of Nick-N-Willy’s Pizza®. “The 2010 Sundance Film Festival presents a unique opportunity for us to market ourselves to thousands of independent film makers and indie film enthusiasts, a demographic we’re keen to capture.”

Charitable Giving, Menu Innovations, News, Pizza