In support of its upcoming 3-D animated family feature film “Fly Me to the Moon,” Summit Entertainment has partnered with MaggieMoo’s Ice Cream & Treatery and Marble Slab Creamery. The program, timed to the film’s August 15, 2008, is supported by NexCen Brands, Inc., parent company to MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab.
“MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab offer Summit Entertainment a unique opportunity to reach our film’s core audience in an environment that they love and frequent often,” says Vivian Mayer-Siskind, senior vice president, Worldwide Publicity for Summit Entertainment. “We are hopeful that families will go to the film and then continue their experience by visiting one of MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab’s many locations.”
“We were excited to partner with Summit Entertainment and ‘Fly Me to the Moon,’” says Jenn Johnston, senior vice president of brand marketing for NexCen Franchise Management. “These brands are about quality products and entertainment, so it seemed only natural to align our ice cream with this summer’s most exciting family film.”
The partnership between Summit and MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab includes:
•The creation of the “Fly Me to the Moon” ice cream combination, “Marshmallow Moon Landing,” which will be showcased in all MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab locations. The ice cream combination and the film will be supported by in-store and POS materials.
•MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab will donate $300 dollar gift cards that will be used as prizes for a national “Fly Me to the Moon” promotional contest.
•MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab will offer its customers advance screening passes to the film.
•The inclusion of the “Fly Me to the Moon” trailer on the MaggieMoo’s and Marble Slab Web sites.
•Sponsorship of the “Fly Me to the Moon” premiere, offering attendees ice cream and a chance to pose with Miss Maggie Moo, spokescow for MaggieMoo’s Ice Cream & Treatery.