In an unconventional move, Flying Pie Pizzeria (Flying Pie) is launching a national search for a new “Whirled Leader” with the expertise and financial backing to perpetuate the restaurant’s growth and expand it beyond Boise, Idaho’s city limits.
A unique contest is underway to find a suitable Whirled Leader, with Flying Pie looking to its loyal customers and the nation’s progressive business investors to act as headhunters. Those who apply or nominate someone for this role will be rewarded based on the results of the application and review process. The individual who helps find the ultimate Whirled Leader will receive a mouth-watering finder’s fee–pizza for life.
“Flying Pie takes a progressive and unique approach to business, which has led to an established loyal clientele,” says Howard Olivier, owner of Flying Pie. “We have had a great time building Flying Pie into what it has become today and because of our success we have decided the time is right to find an investor who can take Flying Pie to the next level.”
For 30 years, the business technique of focusing on the restaurant’s environment and the customer experience has worked for Flying Pie. “Last year’s sales for the two locations exceeded two million dollars, and we have already experienced a six percent growth during the second quarter of 2008,” said Olivier.
The contest is running through December, or until the new Whirled Leader is selected, whichever comes first.